Marizaida LArona
she's my kaboses;)
i love my daughter..
she was with me during my most---
thrilling moments??
miss you daughter:)
"my bes!"
she is my bestfriend since primary..
she is my inspiration.
we faced alot of challenges together
but still we're so beautiful...
she's my most maalaga na friend..
always concern with all my needs and pains..
she gives the best piece of advice!!
spiritual and talented bestfriend..
we're supertwins according to our bishop..
sisters forever!!
theme song: somewhere there's somebody waiting!
she's the singer, im the pianist:)
mwah mwah bes!
Ira Aleah Paz
a.ka. Buddible and I'm Buddiness!!
my best buddy!!
I really don't know how she came into my life..
everything was unexpected!! yet so perfectly imperfect!!
she's a big surprise from my Heavenly Father...
she's part of my dreams and goals in life..
she's my eternal buddy..
always ka-buddy in all my greatest aspirations!
our families are bestfriends, duo's, twins--
buddies as well!
i love her-- and she's a sister to me!!
motto: Opposite attracts!! love yu buds!

bambi!!! she's my highschool bestfriend
and Boobay too!! (i dont have solo pic with you von,
kaw kase ih!! hindi mo ko love!!
samantala sa iba andami mong pics with them)
eloi is our pacifier coz laiser and i always love to fight!
my HS Bestfriends are my strengths and Idols!
they are the best!!
super loyal and honest to me...
they are ready to fight for me and die with me...
our motto: two friends cannot be long
if they cannot forgive each other's little failings!
theme song: UMBRELLA by rihanna!:)

Von Laiser Bautista
boobay-- my best critic!!
jingle together:
eloi ganda-- eloi ganda ganda
nyla cute-- nyla cute na cute
von balugs- von balugs balugs!!
hahaha.. love you von!!!
do you still remember eloi, how we composed this song??

my elem. bestfriend!!!
"i call her bessie!"
after long time no see, no communication dramas,..
here we are-- standing strong and pretty pa din!!
one of my sweetest memories with her was when
she was crying coz
she was very jealous with this other friend mine..
she thought she's not my number one anymore..
but her tears were the BEST tears I've ever seen..
i've realized and felt how much she loves me..
and I will treasure it forever!!
theme song: one friend left!!
"if i have only one friend left, i want it to be YOU!"

April Dawn LArona-
Nyla Irmamina PErson-
Aira Alonica BArril!--
tested by time:)
we are the powerpuff girls.
the DNA's--
blue crunch, yellow kisses and pink hersheys!
faith, hope and charity--
the UP girls.
pincess cinderella, belle and aurora!
motto: we're gonna be the best friendship ever!

i wonder why she's here in this post!??
basta!! she's important!!
someday malalaman natin:)

Ciarra-Lynn Collado
we love to sing together and talk about our secrets!
we even composed this song entitled,
Puso MOng Ginto..
she's my little sister..
I love my pink POoH!:)

a.k.a. my sissie!
nyla the second of calauan ward!
smart like me..
pretty like me...
talented like me...
pianist like me...
actress like me...
simple like me...
hahahaha (luka!) like me....
texter like me..
i love talking to her, coz we click!!
love yu sissie..
motto: LOVE waits!!
kailangan dumaan sa butas ng karayom si future!:)

Jamie Mendoza...
my princess!!
i love my daughter so mats!
manang mana yan kay mommy nyles!
and Im proud to be her mom:)
miss you baby ko!
My life has no value without them.....
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