I am a Plebeian.
I believe that the human spirit can only flower
in an atmosphere of freedom.
I believe in the heart of democratic principles,
that no man is wise enough to condemn
with authority the views of another as against common interest.
I detest and will stubbornly fight against tyranny of any kind,
whether mental or physical.
I believe that the loyalty can be best achieved
not by compulsion but by persuasion.
I believe that the test for freedom
is the right to differ on questions
sacred to those who hold power
and that freedom in order to remain real cannot be selective.
I believe that no man has the monopoly of wisdom
and therefore, I welcome the clash of divergent ideas
though it may jolt my cherished beliefs.
These are the beliefs, that make me what I am-
"Loyalty Pledge"
If you work for a man,
in heaven's name work for him
Speak well of him
and stand by the institution he represents
Remember that an ounce of loyalty
is worth a pound of cleverness
If you must growl, condemn and eternally find fault
Why resign your position
and when you are on the outside
damn to your heart's content
But while you are a part of thet institution,
do not condemn itIf you do,
the first high wind that comes along will blow you away.
-Herbert Hubert
"louieness", our beloved batch leader
tolits and nyles
joie and leira
marriz and tintin
frances and te che-ann
No Plebeian is worthless, Even the worst can serve as a horrible example.
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