(1) NYLA is based from the name NYLE which is the name of the Patriarch that gave my parents their blessing and also the one that solemnized their wedding.
(2) IRMA is the other name of our Mom (aka). Being the youngest, they thought to include it as a sort of remembrance.
(3) MINA (MINAmahal o MINA ng brilyante hehehe j/k) This is the name of IRRI's Director General when Mom is still working there. He is a very good person.
On the 23rd of October in the year of the Dragon, I was born in the little town of Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. I am the 5th member of the family. I am blessed to have wonderful parents who nurtured and brought me in the true church. They are my first teachers. I am also grateful for having four beautiful Ate's (older sisters) and handsome brother. (naks!) They are my examples of leadership, charity and wisdom.
I remember the first time I attended school. I really don't like it even though my ate Val and I were in the same school. I always missed my class. But when I was in the first grade, my love and enjoyment for school sprang. I met wonderful classmates and teachers too. My greatest achievement in Elememtary is when I graduated with honors. I was the 1st honorable mention in our class (3rd honor). I was inspired by my 6th Grade teacher to become a better leader and student. I was awarded as one of the school writers, math wizard (I wonder why?? hahaha), Sabayang Bigkas Contestant, and as an Athlete of the year because I used to play badminton. But the best award I ever received at that time is when I was awarded as the "MOST INDUSTRIOUS" student of our batch (claps!). During our Graduation, I was asked to lead my batch mates in reciting our Oath and Covenant to our Alma Matter, Calauan Central Elementary School. I am always elected as class secretary because of my good penmanship.
Of course, my primary days at church were wonderful. My mom and my ate Ivy were some of my teachers. It was good to have them but it was hard because if your mom is your primary president, you are expected to obey first (hahahah). Some of our performances were the Paroparong Bukid, native dances, we sang a lot in our primary presentations and anniversaries. Those days were full of progression in talents and skills.
My first years in youth were kinda boring. I was very shy and I focused too much in studying a lot. I was very active in Seminary and church presentations. But then, when I met and had gay friends, I became very bading like them. I developed my skills in being a comedian and talkative person. I talk and talk a lot. That's why, when I was in my 3rd year High School, I was nominated as Class President and also for the following year, 4rth year. Being a president changed my whole life. I became very brave and strong. I have to show good and honest leadership for all the people around me. Of course, persecutions and discouragements were there. There will always be opposition in all things. I've learned the value of true and genuine friendship. My friends were my strength at that time. I love our advisers. They taught me the essence of punctuality and hard work. I always loved to decorate our rooms with so many colorful stuff and then one of the most unforgettable accomplishments was when we won as the cleanest room (I really wonder why!hahaha), I received a gold medal and I was laughing all the time. I was also awarded as the Most Resourceful Student of our batch. I am proud to say that I've been a member of our school Honor Society for four consecutive years. I joined our school Music Club and Theater Club... Ooopsss, before I forget, my barkada's name is Hyperkadaz... I'm hyperthought/hypertot.. We are 14 in our group.
My love life bloomed when my college years started. I fortunately passed and qualified to study in the most prestigious university of our country, the University of the Philippines. I studied first in Baguio City campus major in BA Language and Literature. I was living with my sister Valerie. And then eventually, I transferred to Los Banos Campus and decided to change my course to BA Communication Arts major in Writing.